Click HERE to join our student/parent GroupMe for weekly updates 

*This Group Me is closed for the safety of our students, when you request to join, be on the lookout for a direct message from Luke to confirm who you are.

We believe God has called us to a specific purpose and impact, and we have specific ways we seek to accomplish those things. You can view those in their entirety by clicking here. The Student Ministry at Heartland is how we implement those things to disciple students and equip parents/guardians to do the same. See below for information regarding ongoing and seasonal opportunities for your student.




Look at the book

This is an opportunity for your students outside of Wednesday and Sunday Programming to dive into the Bible systematically with a vetted and trusted leader in our Church. 

Student Camp

Student Camp, June 2-7, is a wonderful full-week experience for your students. All kids that have completed 6-12th grade can attend. This week includes a focus on missions both Nationally and Internationally. Multiple avenues of worship, including small group lessons, Church group time, Songs, and Teaching of the word via Sermons. Students will be fed three cafeteria-styled Meals each full day of camp. They will also have free time and Rec time each day. Rec time will end with a devotional.

Student Fellowship Night 

This is an opportunity for our students to spend an evening together, deepening their friendships with each other. The Church will be open for them to play games inside and out or sit and engage in conversations with each other. 

For more info about Heartland Students contact Luke here or Pastor Dillon here.