Click HERE to join our student/parent GroupMe for weekly updates
*This Group Me is closed for the safety of our students, when you request to join, be on the lookout for a direct message from Luke to confirm who you are.
We believe God has called us to a specific purpose and impact, and we have specific ways we seek to accomplish those things. You can view those in their entirety by clicking here. The Student Ministry at Heartland is how we implement those things to disciple students and equip parents/guardians to do the same. See below for information regarding ongoing and seasonal opportunities for your student.
Join us on Wednesday evenings for time together in God's Word. Doors open at 5:15, and we have plenty of engaging activities for your students to build relationships with the leaders and their peers. Then at 6:30, we spend an hour in discipleship.
We are currently working through a YM360 Curriculum call Difference Maker
Sunday Mornings we offer a student community group that will meet at the building before the Worship service (8:45AM). This will be a time to equip the students in praying for each other and the church body as a whole.
Student DNOW
DNow weekend is here! You can register for your spot today.
The Dates are January 24-25. and the cost is $35 per student- T-shirt included
Similarly to last year, this will be a drop-off and pick-up event each night.
This year, we will partner with several churches in the area to do a combined DNow. Our speaker this year is Chad Poe. He will teach three sessions: one on Friday and two on Saturday.